Hi everyone!
Long time no write, eh?
I swear I really do have a good reason. And that reason, my friends, is work -- I only got home 20 minutes ago and I'm really quite tired. Without getting into the
boring complex details, this particular audit engagement that I'm working on right now is taking more time than usual because the new first-year accountant on the job has done sub-par work and now the rest of us have to fix it all. I don't know, guys...some of his assigned work was more challenging than others, but I don't think I'd ever have messed this stuff up, if I was still a first-year, as much as he has. The rest of our team (2 of us plus our manager, who reviews all of our work) has had to actually re-do certain parts of his work, and some things we asked him to do specifically haven't been done [correctly]. Bah. Dudes, there was one day where he actually forgot to bring his laptop with him because he thought he had it in the trunk of his car. FORGOT. HIS LAPTOP. And he had to drive all the way back home from Hamilton to Mississauga to get it. Now, for those of you who do not have as intimate a knowledge of auditing as I have, this might not seem like such a big problem, right? Like, why not just write stuff down and type it up later? It just doesn't work that way. There are so many Excel and Word documents that have specific formulae or formatting that it is just not efficient at all to do most things by hand. This is mean, and this WAS this guy's first audit with our firm and all, but um...it's possible that he's what's referred to as PURE: previously-undetected recruiting error. See, I told you it was mean. He's a big talker and he's got an okay attitude (if you discount the fact that he doesn't actually listen to what we're telling him, anyway), but hopefully his audit and organizational skills will improve.
Anyway, there are a few things that I should have posted by now but none of it is mission-critical so those will have to come later -- actually, I think mostly it's just memes that I've said I'll do, because anything that ressembled thoughts/actual content I've kind of forgotten now. Darned short-term memory. :P
Going to see Daniel Handler (AKA Lemony Snicket) at his presentation/interview/book signing at Harbourfront on Saturday! I've never been to anything like that before so it should be interesting. I have successfully cajoled an unwitting companion to go with me. w00t.
Labels: work